All contents on SPSSAU (, including but not limited to icons, articles, etc., are held by QingSi Technology and its right holders. These contents are under the protection of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China, the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China , and other laws concerning copyright, trademark and patent rights in International Conventions.
SPSSAU is not responsible for users' data processing, including editing, modification, input and deletion, except for those recorded on SPSSAU User Service Agreement. The analytical methods provided by SPSSAU is only used in analysis, and users are responsible for potential adverse consequences resulting from their own analysis operations. If any analytical method is changed, added or deleted, these changes don’t have to be notified later.
If any provision in this statement is deemed to be unlawful, invalid or non-enforceable, other provisions’ legal effect will not be affected.
SPSSAU ( is committed to respecting and protecting users’ privacy. Users’ information, including data and account information, such as phone number, will never be disclosed to any third party.
SPSSAU adopts strict measures to protect your data. This website will use corresponding technology to prevent your data from losing, being stolen, or being tampered.
SPSSAU may modify the privacy policy at times. Users are always given priority while making changes. We encourage you to review our privacy policy at each visit.
If you have any questions about legal terms, please contact us at